Friday, August 12, 2005

Gloria International Film Festival, Salt Lake City :: Day Three

Obviously no real "day three" in the journal for the Gloria Film Festival. As usual Duncan and I arrived early. It was great fun to see THE LOST PRINCESS large and beautiful. It had been such a long time since I last really watched the movie. It was delightful listening to people who knew nothing about us, or Renaissance Festivals, laughing at and enjoying the people of our community. We did get to see our friend Mary's short — SEARCHING FOR GREAT AUNT MARY — it was sweet and wistful. Again spent a late night talking and chatting. It was sad that we had to leave before the event ended. I would have liked to have gone to the closing ceremony. However, we did have to make it back for Sterling's last 2005 weekend. Always such a bittersweet event. I had a lot of fun performing with Jose and Dakota at Sterling this summer. It's also great to work with good friends like Cantiga, Jim Hancock, Dan Looker, Ken Silkie, Gabriel Q, Johnny Fox, the London Broil guys (who seem made for a place like Sterling.), the list goes on and on. (I feel guilty not mentioning everyone — please forgive me!) Plus the fans here, the regulars are really sweet people who make our work seem more like play. After a great final weekend it is off to Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Renaissance Festival. We start on Aug 20th and I think are here for 6 weekends. This part of the country is so beautiful. And it is always a delight to renew old friendships and make new ones.

We're excited about the film festival in Stratford, England. Thayr (The Fly) and Rich (our cinematographer for El Gusano and a great guy) should be in attendance. We'll let you all know how it goes. LOST PRINCESS rocks!!


— Doug


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