Friday, February 17, 2006

Season going!

Hello again!

We'd like to thank all of you who came out to the opening weekend of the Arizona Renaissance Festival! We had a terrific and wacky time getting our shows completely together! It seems that no matter how much we think we rehearse, we always discover new, or "forgotten" material as we perform it! It can be odd, sometimes, when you realize that a joke you just said was part of a routine you did 20 years ago!

Also, thank you all of you who complimented us on our review in Renaissance Magazine - if you haven't seen it, check it out, its pretty good!

Plus it seems that the new credit card feature on our website HAS made it easier to get your favorite Don Juan and Miguel/Esmeralda "stuff". (like THE LOST PRINCESS) And speaking of stuff - Sarah Mullen's new harp CD will be out this coming weekend! Stop by and pick one up from her if you make it out to the Arizona Festival!

Well, that's about it. Now that the season has started, I'll try to keep a weekly update going! Enjoy yourselves and be well!


At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


How are you doing on this fine and glorious day? I'm doing great. I'm hoping that you, Don Juan & Esmerelda are doing good.


At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen you guys in many years as you don't get to FL anymore. However, I'm glad to see that you are doing well. However, it does make me feel old to see Esmeralda all grown up. I remember her at about 2 being carried by Don Juan.
Lee Ann in FL

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Don Juan & Miguel said...

Lee Ann:

It can make us feel old, or it can make us feel blessed, I think, to watch those children around us blossom into adulthood, or watch our friends mature. I like to think of it as an opportunity to constantly meet new people. Frankly, though, I'm really just happy to still; be around!


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