Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Almost Sterling Time

Hey friends, fans and folks - happy greetings to you all!

It is a mere few days before the opening of the Sterling Renaissance Festival and boy, are we busy readying ourselves for a fantastic and fun season! Esmeralda will be with us!

We've been getting the archery and maze together, as well as my (Doug's) work with Sterling's professional acting troup - the BTM (Bless The Mark Players). If you've never heard I have been the assitant artistic director here for years - I love working with these creative and talented actors and with my good friend Gary Izzo (buy his books). This year my tasks have been focusing on coordinating the Final Pub Sing (an event I love), directing and assisting in writing the new Washer Show (with two fabulous and lovely washer wenches) and putting an eye to the Mud Shows. The guys are doing a show they've done in the past, I'm just there to give a hand if needed. It's been fun - even though a bit briefer of a rehearsal period this year.

We are also excited about getting Hey Nunnie Nunnies' new (and first) DVD together. It is a "docu-comedy" called "Pull My Finger!" It features their show, an extended interview with the actual persons who have created Mother Redempta and Sister Philomena, a cute short piece called "Hey Thumbie Thumbie" (which comes from the mind of Dana McCain - Philomena), a slide show and a sneak preview of our upcoming film which I believe we are calling The Adventures of Don Juan and Miguel: "I Sense Danger"! The sneak preview is the new song "Chastity Bell" The DVD will be available by the third weekend of the Sterling Festival directly from our favourite nuns!

Don Juan and I are also preparing our own documentary "A Weekend with Don Juan and Miguel" - hopefully It'll be available for you by the fifth weekend here. Our good friend Dr. Jules - who filmed "Adventures" for us was the cameraman for both the Nuns' project and ours. He has a wonderful eye - I think you are all going to enjoy these.

On a personal note: Those of you who contact me through AOL, please just use the Don Juan and Miguel website - not even the Blind Dog Website - I'm having difficulties with them. They have accused me of fraud. If I can get the account back, fine. I'll probably cancel it anyway, but I may keep it - I've been using AOL since it's inception (just about) but this past action on their part may be too much for me to handle. I'll let you know.

Well, gotta run. I'll be in touch again after opening.

Live Well, Do Good!

Tu Amigo,


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At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

howdy doug-
Glad to hear all is well on your end. I can't wait for the documentary. Will it be up on the website to order soon? If the nice weather persists you may not be fighting in 95 degree weather for once. Whatever will you do then? Be comfortable while working? We can't have that! --kidding! have fun! hugs!

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Nikki said...

Hello, I am so excited!! I am traveling to NY this summer but I am staying with a friend and I'm not sure if we'll get to come out to see you. I am hoping to persuade!! Keep up the great work you all do!! I can't wait till you come back to Texas!!

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Miguel,

I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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