Friday, February 08, 2008

Arizona.......and thus the year begins.

Here I am, sitting in a trailer - the Superstition Mountains I see outside my window are now a silhouette against a sky ablaze with stars. And it is the evening before we open the 20th annual Arizona Renaissance Festival. 20 years! Imagine. Don Juan and Miguel have trod these paths for 20 years now and boy have we seen changes. It's amazing to me how large the festival has grown, and how it continues to become lovelier each year. I think about the shows that have come here, and then gone, (and returned again). "Esmeralda" has grown up here. We have "matured" here. And yet, even after 20 years I am almost nervous, so excited about starting up again. My costume has been checked out, I have my shoes, my belts, my pouches, my glove, my mug, my hat and my helmet. New feathers have been chosen - the largest and brightest I could find for the opening day. We rehearsed and checked props, whips, swords, sound, the stage. We're back on the Palace for three shows a day. We're sharing the stage with our good friend Frank (Cast in Bronze) and Klan Tinker - who are a delight! Old friends have been returning, new ones arriving. There is a busyness in the air as some artisans continue to ready for the morning cannon. And from all around the state people are turning their minds to the opening of the festival, to the return of Spring, to seeing old friends and making new discoveries.
As I ramble and get myself ready for the morrow Danny Lord (old friend) knocks upon the door. Time to go. See you at the fair.


At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Miguel,

How are you doing on this fine and glorious day? I am doing great. I hope you are having a great week so far. I can't believe this but before you know it, Scarborough Faire will be here.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Alas, wish I could be there and hear the familiar timbre of your voices as I watch the show.

Hope opening weekend was great. Have fun with old friends, and new, things change so fast.


At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! Good luck the both of you! We'll see you in *checks calender* in about 50+ days. *hugs*

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Just Lynn said...

Break a leg at Arizona!! I will be waiting for you at Opening gate of scarborough in April!!

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Don Juan & Miguel said...

Opening weekend was great! The first "Student Day" was a lot of fun. Some people seem to like to complain - for me it's not all that hard to remember being a kid. So we really do have fun. Another "Student Day" tomorrow... then the three-day weekend! (Yikes!) We're celebrating "Fiesta" and the King's birthday on Monday (go figure!)

Thanks really well!

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

well what do you birthday's next Friday. cool people are born in February, doug. :)

At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Friends,
My wife and I have enjoyed your show for many years now (i think at least 10) We first saw you in Texas and over all the different shows we remembered yours. We come to see you every year in AZ for the past 6 yrs and every time it is on Feb 16( or as close as possible) and We love every yr more than the last This Year will be no different as we again come to see you tomorrow Feb. 16th which is our 13 yr anniversary. We come to celebrate our wonderful marriage every year with the best people in the world!

Clayton and Libby Jones
Mesa AZ

At 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I can't believe that Scarborough Faire will be here in fifteen days. I am getting so excited about seeing you and Frank. I hope that you are having a great week so far. Please tell Frank that I said hello.


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