Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Jim Hancock (Burley Minstrel, Jimusic) and I are sitting in Gary Mazzu's home in Mt. Gretna working on the sound track for THE LOST PRINCESS. We've been going at it for a while and are now starting to see some good progress. Should be done fairly soon.

We've finished the three-day weekend here at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Festival. Weather was good and the crowds were great. I met a lot of fun and interesting people and had a lot of fun with fans from all over: Sterling, Carolina, Scarborough, and Arizona. We have three weekends left here before sojourning down to North Carolina, the Carolina Renaissance Festival, the ending of the season (and my birthday). I've been living in Manheim while here at PA. It is a nice town with friendly people. I love the library!

Word of THE LOST PRINCESS is beginning to spread and people are actually stopping me on the street to say to me, "I sense danger"! Wylde! I recently visited with Cris Arnold (Steward and Arnold Knife Throwing) and he told me of patrons at the Sterling Forest Renaissance Faire complimenting him on his work in the movie. (He played Spitzkopf).

— Doug