Sunday, June 10, 2007

In Between Faires

Well dear friends, Scarborough has come to an end and we, the community of the Rennies of Scarborough are blown about the country like a dandelion puffed upon by a small child...

What an interesting and fun run Scarborough ended up being. From snow falling for the opening and the rains of closing weekend we who live and play out doors have come to know that something (global warming?) is happening. I seriously hope it is natural or we can actually do something about it. I missed some good friends closing weekend who either left early or didn't show up due to the rains (or health problems) - you know who you are - and we'll (hopefully) be seeing you next year. I always say "hopefully" because we never know what the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune will bring...and remember, YOU are in control of much of this - your kind words said to the right ears always help out all of your favourite performers.

I'd like to take a moment to thank those of you who show an interest in RESCU. You all must know that just by attending these Renaissance Festivals/Faires you are helping to support some cool crafters and "niche" entertainers, and are helping keep a unique community cohesive and vital. I mentioned RESCU ( in my last blog and Nancy - a "fan" brought me a check and asked me to deliver it to the right people, which I did. If any of you want to find out more about RESCU or donate, just surf on over to their site. I support it because it supports my "family", my community.

And, speaking of community, I again must say that Scarborough's community is so lovely and supportive of new creative projects. It was great to see the upswelling of support for Cast in Bronze's new musical "The Bells". After our staged reading Frank and I put in some rewrite time. I believe he is going to create a new cd of "The Bells" this summer. I am honored to have worked with him on this, and I wish him the best!

I did promise to quote the "Walmart" song for some employees...I can't understand that it would get you into anything but trouble at work but here goes:

(Sung to "It's a Small World After All") It's a Walmart after all, it's a Walmart afer all, It's a Walmart after all, it's a Wal, Wal Mart. It's a world of discounts a world of aisles, rolled back prices that are marked by those smiles! You can afford almost everything! (spoken) "That's because it's all made in Beijing!" It's a Wal, Wal Mart..."

More verses will be slowly upcoming. If Walmart makes this into a theme song, I want a cut!

I am currently sitting here At Glen Ethel, home to my dear friends Hey! Nunnie Nunnie! It is lovely, cool, springlike and very very relaxed. Some of the Scarborough group has gone to Denver (Cast in Bronze, etc), the "new" Kentucky show (Dr Kaboom, Owain Phyfe, etc) and elsewhere. We, however, have a bit of time before we shall perform, or direct again. Oh, projects are still continuing - we are still moving forward on our new "Docu-comedies" for Don Juan and Miguel, and Hey! Nunnie Nunnie! (Look for them this July) Sarah's new cds are still being worked on. But for now we get to take a couple of deep breaths and relax. I think I'll go crazy, though, if I don't have a project soon - which I know I will. (Rehearsals for Sterling start June 21st). I'll just force myself to enjoy the beauty of Upstate New York in Spring. Wasn't it Elizabeth Barrett Browning who said "What is so rare as a day in June, for then if ever come perfect days?" I'm not sure, but I am certain of the sentiment.

Well, that's all for now.

As Bodge has said, "Live well, do good" and I will add "Twinkle Dammit!"