My friends:
I want to take a moment to thank all of your for your help, support and the love that you show and share with us throughout the year. Our dear friends Hey Nunnie Nunnie have on their Christmas CD a song entitled "Every Day is Christmas" (written by another dear friend Duncan Pace). And this song cajoles us into remembering the sweetness of life and to remember that
the people who touch us make our lives richer and more beautiful.
Please know that because of your support we are able to do something we love, and that is perform for you. This makes me feel that every day truly is Christmas.
I wish I knew each of you by name and could take the time we all deserve to thank you personally, but I cannot. I also wish that I knew the name of each Holiday celebrated during this time, but I do not. So please take no offense when I wish you all love for that is the greatest gift! Merry Christmas my friends, and hopes for a peaceful, successful and joyous New Year. To quote one of my favourite Holiday tales: "God bless us everyone"!
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
And Merry Meet Again!