Giving Thanks/Distribution/New Books!
Howdy folks!
To begin with, I, and the rest of the gang, want to give thanks for your support throughout our '06 season. Thanks for attending our shows and playing with us, thanks for supporting our "Blind Dog Superfriends" (Hey Nunnie Nunnie!, The London Broil, Sarah, Eddie Jeff, Jim Hancock, Cast in Bronze, Cantiga, etc, et al) and thanks for making the Lost Princess the success she has become. You've helped us in showing that Rennies are creative and talented people. Also know that every kind word, every DVD bought helps us to make more, better (and sillier) movies. Because of your support financial, spiritual and physical, we were able to shoot number three in our series! Look for The Adventure of Don Juan and Miguel to come out late summer, or early autumn '07. Thank you.
So....Boy! I haven't been keeping up with this much at all, for which I sincerely apologize. It has been a delightful and busy autumn. It was wonderful to have friends from around the country come to Carolina to visit and enjoy the fair! Also, thanks for all the birthday blessings...Thanks for all the love....And thanks for reminding me that I'm getting older! While I was in Toon Town I was able to work on some of my original music for my upcoming recording "Miguel Sings Whatever" (working title) I have three original tunes I want to include, plus some of my personal folk favorites! I'm looking at beginning recording in January, along with finishing up Martha Gay's project - "Martha's Valentine".
....Now we're all back in Arizona..... Looking forward to the new HOLIDAY SEASON (Yippee!). Although this is officially our "down time", we are still working on projects that we've either started during the year, or hope to begin this past year.
We are working on a DISTRIBUTION DEAL for The Lost Princess. (wow!) We'll fill in the details once everything is signed and sealed. We are really excited about this because it means that folks all over this beautiful and precious globe we call home may have a chance to see our Rennie silliness and delight. Who knows, you may see faces you know in stores all around? Wouldn't that be just swell!?!
Bob Bielefeld - Master Flutist of Cantiga, Burley Minstrel, Sun Garden fame has been published by Mel Bay in his new book: Mel Bay Presents Cantiga's renaissance Festival favorites! Congratulations Bob!! (I've known Bob for thirty years! But, that's another story) I think they will make great gifts. I've purchased some for folk on my musical Christmas list. Get yours at
Don Juan and Miguel are in a new book: Lisa Mulcahy's The Actor's Other Career Book available at Doug Kondziolka is interviewed in this nonfiction book on "alternative careers in acting". How to be an entrepreneur, etc. I must admit that I've not yet read it, so when you do please let me know what you think. I'll "review" it as soon as I get my copy!
And don't forget Ray St. Louis' "tell all" on the early Renaissance scene: The Road Dog Diaries!!
Well, that's about it for now. Please enjoy your Christmas, Hanukkah, etc, etc. (I wish I could remember all the holidays that happen now, but I am unable, to which I apologize), remember to keep your Holidays safe, silly, spiritual and, most of all, take time to enjoy the beauty and love around you.
Be well!
P.S. If you've seen The Lost Princess, please surf over to (Internet Movie Data Base) Look up "The Lost Princess 2005" and rate the film for us. Plus you can also add a comment if you choose and read the comments others have left. Thanks for you continuing support!